Yearly Archives: 2013

Words: remission, redeem, saint


Word thoughts for today…

Re-mission: to again set on a mission. This word is used by doctors instead of healed once, cancer symptoms appear to be gone. However in my personal cancer battle I found I could either hit pause, or go through cancer and resume. For me I was led back to cancer a second time. Then during the second battle it changed my life mission. I left corporate America, got healthier, dove into ministry and am in a completely different place now and free of cancer.  The spirit that was involved with cancer, had to be addressed as well. Thankful to God.

Re-deem: to again deem. When I think of how to use deem in a sentence, I only think of to deem worthy. So I interpret this as to reestablish the worth of the individual being redeemed. Too many of us get saved and feel like an old shoe. Passively walking out some servants life being the least of them. Lets look back at the turn the other cheek story. In this time there was to Charmin so no one touched others with their bathroom hand. Only two face slaps existed and they meant bad servant or good friend. So that story tells us to step up and when people call us a bad servant (including ourselves) we are to convert that relationship into a good friendship. That requires that we are deemed worthy. It is more than self worth and pride. It is being validated by the being that created the world. A God who loves us.

Saint: I noticed, because God revealed, that sin and saint are pretty similar. To get from sin to saint you just add a t. You just add a single cross. The cross is the end of saint the rest is in God.

In His Grace,

29 Jan 2013


Today what I am reminded of, from our beloved is the Choice is always ours. In a world where it appears that almost ALL our choices are being stripped, that is a comfort. In a movie I have always admired, the main character states triumphantly this, “They will never take away our FREEDOM.” It is only part of the speech, but is the end of it, and likely the most memorable. Can anyone name the film? It was Braveheart and Mel Gibson was portraying the title role. When God woke me today and put it upon my heart, mind and spirit to write. My first thought was, “Oh that bed is so comfy, and it’s foggy outside this morning, just inviting us to sleep more.” My next thought was GOD is bigger than that. So, I got up and obeyed instruction. There is such peace in that.

Not like if I had chosen to sleep, God would have made me pay. He is, contrary to the belief of many, NOT that kind of GOD. He gives us choice. In that instance, it was the choice to sleep more, or to wake up and be refreshed in HIM, and have the LOVE of GOD restore what was to be seemingly a sacrifice.

All the way back to the Garden of Eden, there was a choice available. God, in HIS infinite wisdom knew what that choice would be. Many it seems make the choice that something can be handled on our own. I include myself in this, because there are times still where I, from habit want to take it from GOD. But, HIS LOVE keeps reminding me that at the CROSS is where we were redeemed, so at the cross is where it must go and stay.

Funny, the world teaches us to set boundaries on some level, yet He and HIS LOVE is absolutely and equivocalness BOUNDLESS. Is it possible people in general focus so much on these things because failure is a FEAR? Because we cannot fail GOD when we are seeking HIM, and choosing HIM daily and asking HIM to dwell within us all the more. Could it be however, that because of the deep hurt almost ALL of us have experienced, we shut out the world, and indirectly, shut off God. Like a water valve that gets “shut off,”God is still running behind the scenes. 😉

Asking these questions today because it needs to be addressed that no matter what comes in this world, the choice is ours. Do we RECEIVE or REJECT the LOVE of GOD? I am now 36, and there have been many times where I really thought I would not live to be this age. I did not watch my words, or ask God to speak them, and a lot of death creeped in. Meaning, a lot of negative word curses were spoken, from my very own mouth. Doing so, was indirectly rejecting GOD and what He had made.

Talk about convicting, this one was a doozy. Thankfully our GOD is the best! He is so kind, loving and compassionate as well as patient. He showed me daily that as I would, and we would as a family unite and partner in HIM, use the tools He has given us, there would be peace, safety and BOUNDLESS blessings in the process. Some tools He has led us to use we have already touched on in previous posts. Along with the armor of GOD, we have been led to anoint ourselves daily with oil, do communion daily, pray as a family daily, and separately with hubby as well, and Sarah E when asked one on one. Years ago, we prayed, in fact David prayed, that GOD make our family a House of Prayer. This prayer is being answered, and wow it is humbling. We are grateful.

God is not usually forceful. Feel led to say that more than once. God is not usually forceful. He is overall a God of peace, but when we disobey HIM, and stand in REBELLION, which the word of God says simply is witch craft, He has to discipline us.At that point, He can become a GOD of war, heavenly war. So, here feel led to share this, A relationship in and with GOD is like a garden. Interesting that it began there. 😉 We must go to HIM and let HIM teach, guide, and essentially water our lives. Also, we are required in the process, to be used by HIM to plant other seeds as well. God picks weeds, and He does what is called pruning. Speaking from very personal experience, that can hurt like HELL. But, the only thing burning away is what needs to go. This is what we must remember. Father know’s best, 100% of the time.

God has led us to long seasons and short seasons in friendships. As people who primarily do ministry, it can be a challenge at times to give to the friendships what is needed to sustain them. So, glad we have a GOD who loves us and them as our mediator. His prayer line is always open and available. Would like to encourage some of you who have gotten to a place where it just feels hopeless, to cry out to GOD. His word says He catches every single tear. He answers the cries, and when we complain, waits for us until those seemingly frustrations often bring us to humbling tears. Oh, how He loves us!!!!


So, this day is the 27th, and yesterday something absolutely BEAUTIFUL, GLORIOUS and HUMBLING happened. Our sweet gal, Sarah Elizabeth, rode her first horse. Well, it was a pony, but it was sensational! I am so beyond words thankful that God looks out for us. He had sent me to an event at a local church, and I sensed today would be the day. It was a milestone indeed. I am still in tears just thinking about it. On this day GOD resurrected her JOY. It seemed to be fading for years off and on, and yesterday in an amazingly safe and loving way, GOD restored it!!!! It was ALL over her FACE! I am so glad God led D, my hubby to take a video. This way, I could experience LIVE the JOY that He was blessed to see first hand! Our Father GOD, brother Jesus, and Holy Spirit, are like this, meaning GOD united rejoices every time we receive even a glimpse of JOY.

When we got here, to this place where we are with GOD, both in geographic locale, and otherwise, I asked HIM for JOY. He answered and is answering in abundance. 🙂  We were really going through it, and to some, in fact would say many, some of the choices we were making seemed to not make sense. However, we had to do, and be led to do, what needed to be done. So, we picked up and moved across country. The second time for my husband and I individually, and the first as a couple, yet second move as a family.

This is to show that in a relationship with GOD, we are second. As well we should be, because He makes the BEST choices always. His word says the last shall be first and first shall be last. We could easily fall into bitterness for the battles that have been endured. But, to be really honest, we are simply glad to have survived them, and live to tell about how GOD delivered us. He is indeed MIGHTY to SAVE 100% of the time!


The choice is yours, “whom will you serve this day?” That is a question God asks us in HIS word. Today is the number 27, which means preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Today, we choose GOD, now and forever, to be HIS and for HIM to use us when needed and BE our balance and VISION. Hallelujah that no matter what comes, that one thing REMAINS.

His love never FAILS! The choice is ours receive it or reject it?

Love to you all, always holding you in prayer. He loves YOU so much and so do we!!!

In His Grace,


27 Jan 2013

Word Thought: critical

When I think of being critical I think about times I put others under the microscope and int out thins I think they are doing wrong. The other person doesn’t usually like it. M

Then God showed me that a nuclear reactor going critical is completely different. It’s about to explode.

So when we are criticizing we need to realize that we are making the situation explosive

In His Grace,
– D

25 Jan 2013

Quick Word Thought: Sinister and Minister

quick thought for the day: which do you want to stir today?

sin-i-ster – i stir sin
min-i-ster – i stir men

In His Grace,

– D

23 Jan 2013

Is WARFARE the new dirty word???

The first thing we should do here before, anyone reads this post is implant a prayer. ~

Lord, I know the enemy does not want this information OUT, so we in the name of JESUS Christ of Nazareth bind any spirits trying to infect or cause problems or confusion in any way, and sentence them to the feet of JESUS for judgement!!! Thank you LORD that it is YOU within us that does the work. Thank you that you are so much bigger than ANYTHING and no ONE can ever SLAY you!!! Hallelujah!!!


if anything seems like it runs together on the page. When editing I attempted to fix it, but to no avail, so I give it to GOD and trust He will use the words given to be a blessing. ~

Precious jewels, beautiful, His masterpieces, is this how you see yourselves? Because sharing my heart today, I have often had trouble digesting this about me. But, this is what GOD says, and we know He does not LIE. So, it must be true. 🙂 Still, it is so easy to get to a place where all we do is get influenced by critical spirits. It is so easy to just let evil get not only a foothold, but a whole block of our lives. Because we are NOT trained to fight back.

When God put it upon my spirit to write on WARFARE, my first response was not “Oh GOODY!!!” It was more like, “Come on God, You led me to write books already that greatly cover this, and we both know that the more we speak on it, the more we experience it.” Instantly almost I was convicted in HIS LOVE. Realizing that the reason this topic needed to be talked about is because God desires balance.

The body of Christ has been struggling with balance for many reasons. We believe, because we have lived, learned and been trained in it. OJT as my beautiful sister Audrey calls it! ON the JOB training. It is training that has already had a major COST. After all, for us to receive the LOVE of GOD, Jesus CHRIST God’s only begotten son, died maliciously, horrifically, and in the most painful way possible. Now, bear with me on this, HIS pain was not just physical. I dare to say the spiritual pain may have even hurt more intensely. Consider THIS, absolutely and unequivocally ALL the EVIL that was coming against US, was PUT on HIM.

This means, everything that we could ever do, go through, endure, experience, that was difficult, challenging, terrifying, gut wrenching, and more was LAID on JESUS Christ! The more we are followers of HIM, and LIVE out the plan of GOD, the more many will yell at us in the world CRUCIFY THEM! The toughest part, we still have to LOVE them, because GOD in us, is a compassionate, kind, and giving, among other amazing adjectives. 😉

So, let’s talk abt THIS WAR! It was finished the DAY JESUS died in Calvary. This means in HEAVEN the war was done, but many want to stir it up again. Let’s elaborate some on that. When we give into our own hurts, habits and hang ups that the enemy has put on us, not GOD, we are participating in the reopening of the wounds. Many have said, and we agree, it is like crucifying Christ once again. Thankfully, He does not condemn us and IS in fact a RESURRECTION GOD!!!!!

The warfare definition that God led me to was this..


1. the process of military struggle between two nations or groups of nations; war.
2. armed conflict between two massed enemies, armies, or the like.
3. conflict, especially when vicious and unrelenting, between competitors, political rivals, etc.

All the definitions fit and are accurate 🙂 This is what GOD does to evil!!! He uses HIS ARMY and is building it still!!!
So why is this a DIRTY WORD in the church as a whole?
We have been to churches, where we were led, asked abt classes on warfare and gotten shut down flat. But, GOD’s word clearly states that we live on a battlefield. Come on, look around and you will see a WAR ZONE!
How many times have we had a child, a friend, or even a stranger be used by the enemy to throw us off course? God says watch our words, but do we? Yes, we watch them come out of our mouths. Even today, while even thinking abt this topic things heated up around our house. Someone kept telling me to calm my mind. I thought I can’t. Which is truth. Only GOD can truly calm us. No matter how much I try or you try to fix things, it doesn’t work forever. Only what GOD does and says lasts for eternity!
So, here is the challenge set before us as HIS children. Learning that we have weapons in this war, and working with HIM to put them into action! God’s LOVE is a weapon, surrender to HIM, releasing to HIM, crying out to HIM, Praising HIM, Dancing and singing for JOY in HIM, worshiping HIM, hugging those He has given us to LOVE, speaking LIFE over the BODY of Christ, those we are blessed to interact with and those we only know in our hearts, renewing our mind in HIM and HIS word, asking HIM to cleanse us, Giving HIM our will and asking HIM to guide and direct our steps, these are only a few of the weapons we  have. God speaks also in Ephesians about the Armor of GOD! This is the infamous passage that countless know well.

Ephesians 6:10-18

Amplified Bible (AMP)

10 In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides].

11 Put on God’s whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil.

12 For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.

13 Therefore put on God’s complete armor, that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day [of danger], and, having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place].

14 Stand therefore [hold your ground], having tightened the belt of truth around your loins and having put on the breastplate of integrity and of moral rectitude and right standing with God,

15 And having shod your feet in preparation [to face the enemy with the [a]firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness [b]produced by the good news] of the Gospel of peace.

16 Lift up over all the [covering] shield of [c]saving faith, upon which you can quench all the flaming missiles of the wicked [one].

17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword that the Spirit [d]wields, which is the Word of God.

18 Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. To that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the saints (God’s consecrated people).

But what about this one? Do any of you know abt this one?

Isaiah 59:16-19

Amplified Bible (AMP)

16 And He saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessor [no one to intervene on behalf of truth and right]; therefore His own arm brought Him victory, and His own righteousness [having the Spirit without measure] sustained Him.

17 For [the Lord] put on righteousness as a breastplate or coat of mail, and salvation as a helmet upon His head; He put on garments of vengeance for clothing and was clad with zeal [and furious divine jealousy] as a cloak.

18 According as their deeds deserve, so will He repay wrath to His adversaries, recompense to His enemies; on the foreign islands and coastlands He will make compensation.

19 So [as the result of the Messiah’s intervention] they shall [reverently] fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him and put him to flight [for He will come like a rushing stream which the breath of the Lord drives].

Note : This passage speaks of the cloak of zeal and garments of vengeance that the LORD wore, so should not the LORD in us wear them?

Also, think about the garments of PRAISE…

This is a whole PAGE that GOD led us to with scripture JUST on that!

Also, we have begun asking GOD to be our knee padding, for the knees are often the ROOT of PRIDE. Hence humbling ourselves before HIM is even more effective when on our knees. 🙂

He talks about how HE has won the battles, and HE has victory and so do we! This is so TRUE, but there are times when GOD HIMSELF wants to use US, yes US to do HIS work. So instead of complying and complaining we should ask GOD to move in us to defeat those spirits when they are out of control. When He talks about self control, He is referring to us also being in PEACE.  Which incidentally, in A WEAPON as well.

Listen, this should be a glorious word, not a scary one. As our enemy is defeated. WE all know where he ends up. BURNT to a crisp in the lake of FIRE is his destiny. So, why not learn to receive GOD’s love by partnering with HIM. GOD is the best partner ever!!! When we surrender to HIM, He actually does all the work!!! Think of that, HE does it ALL when we are obeying HIM and following HIS Heavenly law. 🙂
Instead of giving into FEAR, which surfaces when we hear words like warfare, deliverance, evil, witch craft, cancer, death, demonic, and inoperable  to name but a few. Let’s say this out loud. There is GREAT power in GOD and in us united, the enemy will back down!!! He will because GOD’s word says so!!!
The LORD overcame the GRAVE and so can we. THIS is our destiny beloved people and children of the KING of KINGS!!!!! WE were made to be WARRIORS in HIM!!!!
Today, go to the LORD in private or with a friend or family member, and say this..
Father God, I may not see myself as a warrior yet. But you are my Redeemer, and you are the LION of JUDAH, and YOU LORD in all your GLORY will not fail! Not even in me, which has always been a fear. I give this to you and ask that by your word, love and GRACE you just posses me and make me who you desire for me to be. I only desire to serve you. Forgive me for giving into ways that do not please you. Wash me white as snow, and may your LOVE multiply through me in ALL areas that you have given me to steward and be used by you. This includes child rearing, work outside the home, marriage, friendships, and anything else unspoken. Today, I choose to receive your love and ask deliverance of all that is in the way of this. Oh, how I love you LORD! You are the best gift I have ever received. I will gladly submit today to be used by you in battle. For it is an honor and privilege  Teach me your ways!!! Holy spirit thank you for moving in me and uniting me with you! What a precious gift we have received in your LOVE!
In the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
Love to you ALL, GOD is on your side, and HE is the BEST friend any of US will ever have!!!!

Romans 12:8

Amplified Bible (AMP)

He who exhorts (encourages), to his exhortation; he who contributes, let him do it in simplicity and liberality; he who gives aid and superintends, with zeal and singleness of mind; he who does acts of mercy, with genuine cheerfulness and joyful eagerness.


In His Grace,

23 Jan 2013

Burn Baby Burn!!!

Today while sitting in church, the prayer was simple. Lord, bring your fire. Meaning no matter what words are said, reach us in a way that burns. Now, let’s elaborate a little bit on this. Most people would think of burning as a BAD thing. Well, it can be, but ONLY when that FIRE or burning gets out of hand. God is great at burning away what needs to go from our lives. This means that when we come to HIM and ask HIM to take it, it may not be easy to release, because it BURNS.

So, even though our flesh is used to something, and it often burns like HELL when we deny it. Is it better to give in and have temporary release, or to let go and have eternal release? We all know the answer, but it can be so very difficult, and without GOD impossible to do.

There is also something that many in ministry have classified as “friendly fire” This basically is when there is supposed to be an agreement to disagree, and one person is not ok with that. So, here is an example. Let’s say one person thinks abortion is just completely wrong, and another thinks we should have choice. So, then instead of saying, ok you have this opinion, and I have another, there is a conflict that can happen quickly. That was a bit of an extreme example, but, hopefully it was used to help clarify.

Quite simply, we have to come to a place where we say to our flesh burn baby burn! This is obviously not literal, but it means we totally and completely lay at the cross ALL that is hindering us. Let’s say pride is an issue, we can picture the cross, and us walking up to it and nailing it on there. Because that is where all evil belongs, at the feet of JESUS Christ of Nazareth for judgement. The only good pride, as Paul says is boasting in HIM.

When the death of Jesus happened, it set us FREE. Yet many are still walking around bound up from this world and the one who was given temporary authority over it, satan. But, he is not, nor ever  will be, more powerful than God. When Jesus was crucified it was in part us, as well as our ancestors who participated. We should not hold this as a criticism, but we cannot ignore it either. If we do, it is much easier to fall prey to the wiles existing around us.

Today, on the 20th day of January, the day of redemption, let us choose to, from a place of receiving GOD’s love, not only repent for our part in the pain, but also rejoice for the forgiveness that is available when we embrace HIS Grace.


God can use anything, as is evident with the crucifixion. He cannot be limited. If we try and put HIM in a box, He will inevitably break out. Hallelujah for this!!!!!

His LOVE really does conquer ALL, as the bible says.

In our case, He has supernaturally healed us too many times to count. How? Because we made a decision to say YES to HIS ways, no matter the controversy, or ridicule. HIS ways work and ours do not. We trusted and still do that HE keeps HIS promises! He wants to work with US not against US!

May HIS GLORY burn baby BURN away all the sin that is trying to drag us down, because He LOVES us so much and  desires us to fly higher with and in HIM always. Image

This photo was chosen because it looks like spitting FIRE! That is how the enemy comes at us, but GOD comes like a LION and HIS roar will destroy what comes against HIM.


May HOLY FIRE come out of the LION’s MOUTH! Healing, purifying and cleansing FIRE!!!!

In His Grace,


20 Jan 2013

Surrender and Sanctuary

Was originally planning on posting this tomorrow, cause it seemed the most logical that it be posted on the 16th. This number represents LOVE. However, the more that I prayed over it and pondered it, the more it felt important to post today. It is the 15th, the first day of a fast that will last at least 15 days, and also the number of REST.

It is when we surrender to GOD and HIS ways that we find this REST in HIM, the ability to resist evil and stand thankful. Is this an easy process? Well, not at first. It doesn’t seem natural, and that is because it isn’t. It is a supernatural process, and it takes GOD adding HIS SUPER to the natural that we see.

While praying over what God desired to be said and shared, I was led to a concert that many of our friends and brothers and sisters and Christ are currently giving. A beautiful night of worship, that by God’s grace and HIS gift using technology we can participate in.

There is not one single day that we are not in awe of GOD. Also, there is not one day where the enemy does not attempt to smack us upside the head spiritually speaking. But, GOD He is so much bigger and more powerful. Do not let anyone ever convince you otherwise.

We think of Sanctuary as a “safe place.” I remember watching movies and TV shows where a person would claim this and government would retreat. Now, this cannot be done as easily in the natural, meaning in the world we live in. But, it can still be done in the spirit. The best way to do so, is just to say out loud, “I reject what is not of the LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth.” Now, you are not rejecting the people, so don’t misunderstand. Then say I receive all that GOD has to offer, I say YES to HIS ways only.” There is a peace that only HE can bring.


For we are HIS sanctuary, the place for HIM to come and dwell. This means we must we must be willing to receive it ALL, the blessings and the challenges that come with serving GOD and receiving HIS LOVE. It means we will not always make the right choices, and sometimes we will have to walk away from things or even people we love. But, there is NOTHING absolutely on this earth or beyond greater, more satisfying, more beautiful, intricate, overwhelming, powerful, amazing, and any other adjective that means mind blowing!

Our prayer, as a family and as your brother’s and sisters, is that He touches you all. That somehow the words which He produces, will be used by HIM as seeds toward salvation for those who desire it, and healing and deliverance of HIS body. Lord, we choose surrender, because you know best and we give ourselves away, only to YOU. You are the only sanctuary we can go to always. You are always safe. Hallelujah!

This hymn is so relevant now more than ever. ~

“Lord Prepare Me to Be A Sanctuary”

Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true
and with thanksgiving, I’ll be a living, sanctuary, oh for you.

Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true
and with thanksgiving, I’ll be a living, sanctuary, for you. [2x]

Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true
and with thanksgiving, I’ll be a living, sanctuary, for you. [2x]

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
yes yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true
and with thanksgiving, I’ll be a living, sanctuary, for you. [2x]

mold me (mold me)
what you want me to be (what you want me to be) (repeat 4 x’s)
[ – lord prepare me to be a sanctuary by The West Angeles COGIC Mass Choir]

yes (yes to your will) yes (yes to your way)
yes everyday (yes everyday) yes to your way (yes to your way)
say yes I’ll obey (yes I’ll obey) yes to your way (yes to your way

mold me (mold me) what you want me to be (what you want me to be)
what you want me to do (what you want me to do)
where you want me to go (where you want me to go)
where you want me to go (where you want me to go)
when you want me to go (when you want me to go)
how you want me to go (how you want me to go)
what you want me to do (what you want me to do)

and we’ll say yes (yes) say yes Lord (yes to your will)
say yes to your way (yes to your way)
say yes (yes) yes to your will (yes to your will)
say yes (yes)

Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true
and with thanksgiving, I’ll be a living, sanctuary, for you. [2x] (lyrics) (bible verse on sanctuary) (bible verses on surrender) ( a ministry page we were led to)

Note: In the times when it is MOST difficult to look to HIM, it is truly the most important times to LOOK directly to HIM. (paraphrasing what Mandisa shared led by HIM at A night of Healing and Hope.)


The LORD does not command from anger, but ALWAYS from a place of LOVE. Thank you LORD for loving us even when we are, or feel like we are in our own eyes or the eyes of others, completely unlovable. Your love endures!!! You always and will forever more give us SANCTUARY!!!

In His Grace,

E & D & SE

16 Jan 2013


The number one thing, under attack in our lives as lovers of GOD is simple. It is JOY. How many times do we just do something to get it done? But, there is little JOY in it. We have learned the HARD way that when our JOY is under attack, something BIG is coming! For example, look how Sarah Elizabeth has been flourishing. The medical community would have had us believe it was a lost cause, but GOD. They did the test again, and ALL was clear. His healing lasts forever and is just infested in a mighty way with JOY.

Recently, we were reading a book pertaining to evil and how it can impact life. That is as simple as we can say it. As we were reading about all the Healing that supposedly was happening, The one thing that stood out was this, the JOY was absent, and in some cases almost nonexistent. So, the conclusion was this, if there is NO JOY then there is no real healing. It is just a temporary one that fades away.


Our joy and strength is in GOD and HIS word. But we don’t mean just in reading it, but in living it out. Every day since this year began; we have begun with prayer, worship, and communion. He shows up in the most interesting ways. As long as we stay surrendered to Him, we cannot and will not fail, because He won’t let us. He never fails at anything, and when we do it is because it was part of the plan.

That sounds unreal, strange and even foreign. We have been taught as a society that failure is just unacceptable. But, many thought Jesus failed when He was crucified. Yet, it was HIS greatest achievement. We serve a resurrection God. He takes whatever appeared dead and brings NEW LIFE to it.

So, today choose JOY, FAITH, HOPE, LOVE, and PEACE. Because really, what is the alternative. Don’t play with fire that will burn you. Be filled with HOLY FIRE that will protect and heal you, and multiply into all who come into your lives. The LORD never fails at HIS tasks, and sometimes they take time to complete. 🙂

We went through a season of just hating all things that appeared evil. But now, we know GOD can use anything, as long as we seek HIS wisdom in process. Will it be perfect and look elegant and clean? Well, not always at first. But it is a guarantee that it will be tailor made. He does ALL things from a place of LOVE.

For those of you who desire to know more about our story, so far there are several books written. The first one is already available on Amazon, and also on It is called  “Walking the Line Between God and Satan.” It was written using my middle name Katherine. The second is called “Sarah’s Journey: God is Faithful.” It is the continuation of the first, and delves a bit more into deeper experiences. The third, which is in process is called, “The Tie that Binds.” It specifically deals with what happens when GOD, and our FAITH in HIM is not the cornerstone of marriage, and even our lives in general. We are writing this one together, God, hubby and me.

May God bless you all greatly, loving this experience, may the JOY continue to be multiplied!

In His Grace,


12 Jan 2013



This says it all

10 Jan 2013

Danger Conquered

Once recently we visited a church and the pastor talked abt the senses God gives us. He said the normal 5. We all know those. They are sight, hearing, feeling/touch, smell, and taste. Then, He included, balance and the ability to sense danger. This was new for us to hear in church. However, we have found it a great truth in our lives. Not to open the “New Age” can of worms.But personally these last two have become vital to us. They have created daily opportunities and necessities of relying on God.He has purpose in all things, even for danger.

As of late as He has moved us away to a new place, and started us over, it has not been easy, but it has been so full of God’s love. Think about the intensity of that for a moment. Felling God’s love and having it consume us more. This is the goal. it is a beautiful, amazing and at times excruciating place to be. His LOVE is a saving, and precious and a great gift. It was magnified and personified with the death of Christ in Calvary. It was a symbol of GOD’s infinite and unfailing LOVE. Now, as we have grown more intimate with GOD, there are so many signs of this. There have been times, in prayer for the body of Christ that we have just been entrenched in what God feels for HIS children. Oh how He loves us.

He loves us enough to teach us when things are coming against us, but also to never leave us or forsake us. This love abounds to show us danger on the horizon, and also blessings. But it also is important to know that He is bigger. and No weapon formed against US will prosper. He is not kidding around. Our family has faced much danger. All of it, holding God’s hand and clinging to HIM for everything, and with ALL that we had, and even didn’t have.

Many have said to us, “how can we give what we don’t have?” Our response, “we can’t but God can. There is such peace in the fact that when we are experiencing HIS LOVE, and embracing it, all the incredible gifts that come with it abound! Jesus redeemed us from the curses, so we must learn to WALK in that. This is often a moment to moment thing, asking GOD to take what is not necessary from us. Remembering, it all DIED on the cross, and the enemy only brings death, not life. Only GOD can do that. He is the life giver.

When we come to a place where we sense something unsafe or dangerous, we must know that GOD in us, around us, and through us at times, is so much more powerful. God’s power will never have anything that is more powerful than it. So many in the church as a whole believe the enemy has great power. But the truth is this, satan only has the power he is given. So, take it back. Start to say out loud, the way Jesus did, “get thee behind me satan.” Come against led by God, and with HIM doing the work, the evil that is trying to create havoc and delays. There is great FREEDOM and release in this. But, it is my no means always easy. It is however worth it to bless and glorify GOD! The enemy knows God’s power, and will back down, we have seen it. Power in the blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus, and in the presence of GOD!

We have encountered many people in churches who turn down many of GOD’s ways. Now this is not in any way, shape or form a judgement on them. Daily we are learning to let God lead, through HIS peace. This means when this happens, and it comes at us, we rejoice as Jesus did. We stay for the season’s He gives us, and pray that whatever plan or destiny has been given to us, will be fulfilled. We continue to pray as He leads, and sit back and watch GOD move. He is a resurrection God, when we do this, He brings back what needs to be, for HIS GLORY and through HIS love.


Once, a few years back, when we were really going through it, would say in some ways spiritually bleeding, and wounded, God called us to interact with some who were homeless. He had us go into what was considered a very “seedy” part of town in a very “dangerous way.” He set us up for success. My husband, who at times has struggled with boldness, was in complete faith and peace. It was late and we were at a gas station. It was really in some ways, the most terrified I have ever been. We literally saw evilly influenced people circling the car like prey. There were even bars on the windows. The car was unlocked, and our then friend with us said, ” do not make any sudden moves.” We didn’t just sat and prayed, and God’s protection became very REAL and obvious, and also DANGEROUS in a good way.

Suddenly, we began to understand why people sometimes seek thrills and excitement. Truly, the fact that we are alive to speak on this, is only due to our God’s infinite LOVE, Grace, Mercy, Peace, Hope, Joy and all that He is and brings. It was humbling, exhilarating  exhausting, thrilling, frightening and more. But, God. It had such purpose, and still does.

The core lesson learned was, when we STAND in GOD in peace, trusting He take over, HIS GLORY shines. We have been so blessed to experience this then, and since then many times. Am certain that God will continue to show up. No matter how many times the enemy tries to convince us otherwise. At our core is the FAITH that satan can wound and at times, make us feel like it is dead. But, God is still there, waiting for us to come back around, and take His hand. He came to set the captives free. This means FREE from everything that gets in the way of what He desires for HIS babies. Deep down inside, that is who we are.

So, we should on some level live dangerously. But, in a safe manner. 🙂 This means, we leave dealing with the danger to GOD, and do not move until He says to do so. I am convinced that if we had disobeyed in that place, and many others we would not be alive to share the stories and testimonies God has given us. So grateful that we are, and not one day goes by that we are not humbled in some way.

Yesterday was taking to a sister in Christ and the topic went to the wounded. We are ALL broken, and hurting, and when we come to the LORD Jesus Christ of Nazareth, He brings supernatural healing to those places. We must be aware that in that brokenness the enemy often attacks. It is for that reason that accountability is necessary. It is really difficult for us to learn how to hold someone accountable. Often, when we just don’t know what to do, we surrender it to God. Even before those times come we practice daily an attitude of surrender of our will. Because we have learned the hard way consequence of disobeying God and making danger our idol.

God is a jealous God. He will not put up with, for long having anything over HIM. He wants all of us 100%. In that conversation with the one God led to counsel me, I was very affected at first by what could be, what has been and also the possibility of what will be. God gives us glimpses, and that is it. Some are given more than others, because He works according to a measure of faith. We truly could not handle as humans seeing ALL of the GLORY of GOD at one time.

But, we are one body. Every single one of us has purpose, a BIG one, and must learn to work together in HIM. This also means we must at times learn to agree to disagree. This also means there are seasons too. I think because of our humanity it is natural for us to fear failing God. But, we have learned that is just not possible, in HIS eyes. He knows what is coming, how we will react and which person or people, places or things will be used in the process of the LIFE He has given us. Thank GOD for this!

In Hebrews God speaks of the RACE. There are many that we run in life, and some are quite daunting. But when we do so wrapped up in HIM, and in HIS peace, then there is VICTORY, that we have been promised that comes through. We win first PRIZE every single time in GOD’s eyes, and the scary stuff falls away.

Hebrews 12:1 “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,”

Things that seemed so restricting and confining start to seem less so, because GOD’s LOVE as a weapon kills the parasitic evils, trying to take root. GLORY to GOD now and forever!!! Oh how He LOVES us! Image

In His Grace,


10 Jan 2013

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