Second Chances ~ Heavenly Glances
Author: Ellie Sharpe | Category: Inspirational
I have said this before, and I don’t mean to be redundant. But, LIFE on earth, FROM Heaven’s view is quite different. You have different discussions, and plans. Because, your heart, EVERY single day, MUST GROW more surrendered. It must BE MORE about JESUS, not LESS. If it is NOT, well, you can create your own, torment. MANY know what that looks like. And, there is a FINE LINE, between suffering, and just torture. SOME are LIVING in utter TORTURE. IT is SO VERY SAD. You know they are in that place, because, ANYTIME you speak to them, they almost always get…”defensive.” I sometimes get defensive. Usually this happens, when I have, chosen a negative choice, in the past. And, I have not yet…FULLY forgiven myself for it.
So, IF an individual is constantly defensive, that is a major clue. THERE is a LOT of UNFORGIVENESS present. Funny, I did not know, this is where God was taking this today. But hey…it’s HIS story, and He writes it. I have always just been the typist. Or in some cases, the psalmist, or scribe. Smiles. It really is an honor, to work with Jesus. He started out showing me something this morning.
I saw these shadows. They were not really dark shadows. Just kind of figures. And, they were near manaquins. The Lord showed me, most stand in the shadows. They go in and out of the REALLY dark. And the manaquin part. That was interesting. He said, they are often immovable, because their hearts, have grown cold. So, I asked HIM, what moves them. He said, “LOVE and suffering.”
I thought to myself, “How sad.”
He can hear my thoughts, and He sad, “Well you could see it that way. But it’s actually good that healing can happen. ALWAYS choose to SEE the good. Pain will come and go. But the GOOD and my LOVE, will NEVER ever LEAVE, nor END. And as you SEE it, YOU will be made NEW. ~
24 Mar 2019