
‘It’s a Hard Knock Life for US”

This morning as I woke God reminded me of something. It was a loving reminder, and an important one. It may appear harder at times, but remember I have already won. This is what we must stand on. We must receive the spirit of adoption. Whether we choose or are led to actually adopt a child, we must grasp that we are adopted by GOD.

The LORD adopts us into HIS family. Have you accepted HIM, or rejected HIM? Is He the center of your LIFE, or just the movie you see once in a while? There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. My heart is never to condemn a person. In fact, I can say the heart of our family as a whole is to encourage people. 


I pray daily for GOD to move in me and us, for HIS GLORY and purpose. Because He has desires that are so much stronger than ours. It is really about that consistent  and constant surrender. Because God gives us clear instructions, that are simple at the core. 

What it comes down to is 3 things. Do we believe God will DO as He said He would? Do we will believe He will do it for and through us? Do we believe that as long as we stay surrendered in HIM with repentant hearts, we cannot mess it up? 

I think of the movie Annie and how she was adopted. I used to watch that with Sarah Elizabeth and the get -a – long Gang. Oh how I adore all of the children of our awesome GOD. I remember sharing with them that GOD loves us like that, and that He adopts us into HIS family. WE just have to say yes. 


See the enemy has a job to do. The job of the devil is to try and steal, kill, and destroy. Notice the word TRY in the last sentence. The LORD says in his word abt the enemy, “he comes to steal, kill and destroy.” Do u notice there are 3 agendas? Because GOD comes to HEAL, DELIVER and SAVE.

Don’t know about you, but I would much rather have the latter 😉

Life is not meant to be easy. People have to understand this. It is not meant to be 100% FUN all the time. There are spirit of amusement and distraction. We have to come against those. God commanded us to bind and loose. He said whatever is bound on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever is loosed on earth will be loosed in Heaven. If we are avoiding dealing with the evil in the world, we are basically sitting ducks. 

I am so grateful that Sarah Elizabeth knows and lives the truth. She is such a star for the LORD. I love how He guards her and protects her. How she is really not concerned about being liked, she just wants to LOVE. Yesterday, a little girl in our neighborhood was indirectly mean to her. I was very upset, at first. I remembered my own wounds of rejection as a child, how people would say they were not my friend, and were embarrassed to wave at me. 


But GOD, He uses everything and excuses nothing. I asked the LORD to keep moving in her heart and the heart of ALL HIS children, in that way. Because there was a time where she did notice, and now even if she does, she releases it to GOD. Just like a balloon that you let go of, and it floats up to the sky, “To Heaven” our pain, hurt, and sin must be released too. 

Our life is gonna throw us some hard knocks at times, but here is the good news. WE will NEVER fall so far down that GOD cannot pick us up!

When the signs and wonders follow, the best way to discern and to see if they are of GOD is this, look at the fruit. As a child I had GOD leading and guiding. But I was always feeling unloved, unappreciated, devalued. I really lived my LIFE until prob abt 30, seeing myself as a mark down that was discounted because no one wanted me. 


It was not until Sarah Elizabeth went through the battle of her lifetime, that this changed. It is funny that this what it took, for me to really experience God’s LOVE. Because just 2 years before, my husband went through a similar battle. Yet, that did not soften my heart of change the bitterness I had. It began to, but I was so deeply wounded, I could not see the forest for the trees. 

I made some desperate and UnGODLY choices at the time. Because all I could see was what was sin in front of me, and what was there was DEATH. It was nasty and I just wanted to be FREE of it, because honestly it had been chasing me ALL my life, and my husband too. My husband made some really bad choices too, we were so misguided and misdirected, but GOD. He came and found us. He seeks the LEAST the LAST and the LOST. 


I am no longer ashamed of the choices I made. I have sought GOD, repented and received forgiveness. I see now that even those negatives had a point, for GOD to turn them into positives. In a perfect world no one would suffer and there would be no sin. But we do not live in a “perfect world.” We live in what looks like a dying world, where people have to decide if they will let GOD resurrect them or get destroyed. 

A dear precious sister that I have known for ages messaged me yesterday. Immediately I went into prayer, to see if I was supposed to call her. When I did I was so amazed by God. This sounds so strange, but what she is going through is going to help so many. I am excited for her! My initial reaction was, “I so we wish we all did not have to go through this stuff.” But then, I got away from that, said I was sorry to GOD, and repented for just seeing the pain and suffering. If there was no TEST how we would we have a testimony in HIS GLORY? 


I remember years ago, I was in prayer with a prayer partner and GOD showed me something. As I cried out to HIM asking, “What is it gonna take???” What I received as an answer was this. “It will take whatever it takes.”  In scripture it says the LORD works according to a measure of FAITH. He says if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we can move mountains in HIM. 

So will you let LIFE knock the LIFE out of you, and the enemy reign? OR, will you choose GOD to resurrect you and bring NEW LIFE? The choice is always ours. It’s a hard knock life for us for sure, but GOD. 

This Lyric came into my spirit, 

“I get knocked down But I get up again You’re never going to keep me down”

God does not get knocked down, and we as HIS children may temporarily, but HE will always extend a hand to pull us UP! When He does, and we repent, and seek HIS FACE, we will be purified and see HIS GLORY!

These pictures represent many different scenes. But they are all aspects of HIS GLORY! It still stands, no matter what. He will bring you beauty for ashes. ~

In His Grace,



14 Jun 2013

Who is that FACE in the mirror?

Today God has dealing with me personally on intimacy. What are we giving ourselves to? This is such a deep topic. I am certain this post will on touch on it. But, nonetheless, it is a beginning. 🙂 What if every morning we were to look in the mirror, while brushing our teeth, or hair and speak LIFE? By this, simply stating that we must ask GOD to be our image. 

Many people say,” we should say I am beautiful, smart, kind, etc.” In fact, well known pastors have preached many sermons on “self view.” The point that is almost always missing is our life is not actually ours. It is NOT nor will it ever BE about us. It is however abt God in us. THIS is GREAT news. This means that as we start to reflect GOD the face changes. We have God’s view. 🙂


Once I was watching a program that had shape shifting. The program was one that my mother did not like at all. I would watch it and she would scold me. She would say that is not Godly. Now, I know now that the spirit of guilt and condemnation, as well as religion was what she was speaking from. As well, she often spoke to me from a wounded place. It was not her fault. Nor do I blame her, because she could only give what she knew. Unfortunately in the relationship that we had, what she knew was a lot of pain and agony. So many secrets would later be revealed. 

Some that I suspected a s a child, and some I was completely unaware of. Sometimes I look in the mirror and see her. I know this sounds strange to many, and to others I bet you can relate. But, lately as I have been asking GOD to cleanse me and make me HIS own, mark me for HIS GLORY, I am beginning to see HIM. 


Are we beliveing GOD will redeem HIS country? Do we speak LIFE or Death?

We have to be aware because shape shifting was not something I just saw on TV. It really happens. You can go to utube and see many who have shown themselves. So many are in bondage to the demonic. But GOD….is still here, waiting on us, and them. Our job is to pray, seek GOD on their behalf and TRUST HIM that HIS will be done. 

Oh how He loves us. Now, I am not saying you will always see beautiful things in the mirror. Because the whole point of the relationship with GOD is not to always see the good. Someone reminded me of this recently. Love how God uses our brothers and sisters. 😉

Yet, look at the world, always telling us to be positive and get rid of negative. To never let it even in. Yes, Jesus never sinned, and YES we must be cleansed, but God is not wanting us to come perfect, or even to leave perfect. What He does want is for us to come to HIM and let HE alone shatter the reflection of the world. He alone perfects our ways and transforms them into HIS. 

These 2 pictures reflect HIS GLORY. Each child born carries JESUS. We should be seeking HIM so strongly that others must also do so to FIND US. 





Think about the children He has given us. I am convinced that we receive children as a gift for one main reason, to increase intimacy with HIM. The LORD has used our children, those we have and those we have not, to teach us so many lessons. 

This is why GOD says to train a child up in the way they should go, and they will not depart from it. No one who chooses GOD from the pit of their soul will stay astray. It is not to say we will not be lead away, or even to suffer affliction and suffering. But what we have learned through these fiery trials is simple. 


GOD needs to be the FACE in the mirror. 

The strongest warriors are those who even when hit and wounded, come to the LORD let HIM heal, and they rise up again in HIM. 

In His Grace,



09 Jun 2013

COME out Come OUT wherever you ARE!

Today, when I woke I was praising GOD for the sunshine, grateful for another day, and I was reminded that we must continue to COME out from the world, and it’s ways. when God gives us direction we MUST follow. There are some things that are coming that will test us greatly as Children of God. 

We must be ROOTED in HIS word. Because if we are not, it will be easy to sway us away. Sometimes out of no where the enemy growls. We know when it is the enemy because he creates fear and terror. God creates Godly fear and reverence. They are very different. 

Thinking more about the movies we see, there are many designed to MOCK God. But, the LORD is not surprised. He says to us come out from this world, and commands us to be alien of it. Yet so many are communing with the rebellion. It MUST be a daily choice. In fact sometimes it has to be with every deep breath. 

As a parent, wife and daughter there are many roles to play. But, as a child there is really only one, which is redeemed. To be able to give myself the GRACE through Christ to heal and grow in HIM, and to be able to give it to others is crucial. Often, this means stepping back. It means walking away from things that appear to be good but really may not be. It also means standing in what is and may look like it is not. Standing up and praising GOD no matter how it seems!

See, GOD calls us to come out of the darkness into the light. He is very clear that we cannot get to Heaven by worshiping other gods. Yet so many do this, and look at the world. Anyone can see God is not amused, for He is a jealous GOD. He is waking up HIS warriors, whatever it takes. 


I personally repent daily, even if I did nothing wrong that day that was obvious. Because, God deserves to have a pure heart to LOVE HIM. He is worthy of ALL praise. As wives we are called to be partners to our husbands. Yes, the word says The man is the head under God, but it does not mean that he is to LORD over us in arrogance, pride or control. The woman is the manager of the household, which means the man should also listen to God in her as led. 

A great example of this not happening is Pharaoh. His wife warned him not to go against God. He did, and we all know how that turned out. It was disastrous for them. I want to be a warrior who is BOLD as a LION, yet I have been trained not to be by this world. My prayer daily is that any weakness in me or around me be burned by Holy fire. Refinement is NOT easy, but oh so necessary. 

Last night our daughter came out and confessed something to us, she said she plays a game with us at nighttime to mess with us. But, she also said she was tired of it, and did not want to do it anymore. We were grateful to hear that, because it was an answer to prayer. God keeps no record of wrongs. We said, we love you and this is something you must work through with God. So she went and read her bible, prayed, and spent time with HIM. It was bedtime anyway, so that worked out great. 🙂 This morning she woke up in peace. God is dealing with her questions about who she is, and where is her place, just like ours. He goes after every single sheep. Oh, how He loves us! God will always keep LOVING and that LOVE is what will UNDO the hate of this world. As He is, so are we in this world. That is what we know. But, it must be HE that moves in us to complete the tasks, He alone will bring and receive the GLORY. 

We share these things because so many are at their wits end with things. Wondering is it EVER gonna get better? Wondering when real change that is pleasing to GOD will come? When we go to the word, it shows us that God’s timing is perfect. He makes ALL things new daily, and HIS JOY is new every single morning. It will come, hang on. HELP IS ON THE WAY!

The enemy is NOT going to stop trying, but we must remember that he is a defeated foe, as the word of GOD says. The GLORY of GOD will always outshine the enemy, ALWAYS. Our faith should be so strong in GOD, and we should believe so diligently and consistently in HIM that even if we are forced to do something bad, it will not stick. When God’s GLORY is there, when all the pieces of the puzzle fit, there is nothing that can UNDO it, not even the devil himself. 

COME out and commune with your KING today!!!!

In His Grace,



28 May 2013

The ARMY wants YOU!

Today is the 27th, which biblically represents preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you are working for GOD, you are in the army. There are some that are led to physically join the military, or army of this world. God has people in place praying for them, for God’s way in it all, protection, wisdom and guidance.


This Day of Memorial, remember those who fought and died serving God and the country God created. Pray for them and their families, and keep the ones still fighting lifted up. ~

The fact is BOTH armies want us. The army of GOD wants us and the enemy’s army too. Now, the main difference in the two is one wants us because of LOVE, the other because of MANIPULATION and CONTROL. Can you guess which is which? God desires to have us united in HIS LOVE, Grace and MERCY. The enemy wants us to fight for control. God is not about control, He is about authority. The authority of Christ is very different than control that the enemy desires.

Which army are we working for? Are we praying good things over people? Are we reaching out in kindness or in judgement? God wants us to judge character, and the fruit but NOT the people. When in His army, there is success, it is difficult at times, but it leads to NEW LIFE! Working in the enemy’s army, is being chained, imprisoned.

The reason I know this is because, when I was a child, I loved GOD so much. I came into this world hungering and thirsting for HIM. At an early age I began to observe things around me, and it was scary. When entering into the teenage years, I still loved GOD but had been so lost for what seemed like forever. In my eyes, at that age, it was. I remember I just wanted to please God. I did not understand that our existence pleases HIM, and that the only labor He desires is to enter into HIS rest. This does not mean we don’t work, we just do so as He leads. I began hurting myself at age 14. I had been hurting inside for years, but had no way to release that I understood. For 10 years, indirectly off and on the enemy used me in his army, because that self harm gave him legal ground. That spirit of self destruction came out in so many ways. But, GOD, He is our deliver, and He brought me out of the miry clay, and cleansed me once again.


In 2000 something happened. My mother died. I believe because there was so much she did not know, God still has her. I trust what HIS word says. When mom died, I died. My heart did not stop beating, but my mother was the one I always turned to, even more than God. I did not understand how that was coming against God. It was like a was wandering around in a strange land. I was making worse choices, and really just in terror 24/7. Thank the LORD for HIS Grace. I am grateful that He is NOT a God of condemnation, and is a GOD of HEALING!

It has been 13 years, and no more physical harm. Glory to GOD!!!!! I don’t love sharing this part of the testimony, regarding what I did, and was influenced to do. For years I was so bound by shame. But, the JOY is that GOD set me free, and resurrected me. He does this daily, for ALL of us, willing to receive. This can happen with anything we get free from. Being free means that even if something comes to tempt us, we say no. We do so because we LOVE God more, and desire to hold no idols in our life. His word commands us, no other gods before HIM.


Just like in the Military of this world there is warfare, in God’s army there is warfare as well. Many pastors and churches do not like talking about warfare. They say, that is playing with stuff that is not safe. The fact is, if you are not coming to God and seeking HIM to fight through you, the enemy has legal ground to torment you. The STUFF is already playing with you, and trying hard to kill. steal and destroy at the enemy’s command.

God’s word says we have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions. He says we have been given authority to cast out demons and heal the sick. JESUS is in us, the commander of the ARMY. The LORD has called us to be warriors, yet so many ignore the enemy and pretend his army does not exist.

We cannot walk around living our lives in survival mode expecting healing. We have to make a shift into healing mode. But, here is the reason so many don’t receive healing. It is very simple, healing happens according to our obedience. If we are walking God’s walk and not talking God’s talk, or if we are talking the talk but NOT walking the walk, then there is a disconnect.

Many of us need spiritual heart surgery. It is really worth it, but oh does it hurt at first. Having the heart of GOD can be excruciatingly painful, but look at Jesus. He is our ultimate example, and for us to do even greater things, than he did, because He does them through us, and intercedes for us, we must stay surrendered to HIS command. We must REST in the TRUTH that the VICTORY is HIS and the enemy is a defeated foe, no matter how it seems.


The fact is we ALL have a will, and we must decide which way it faces. Does it face the GOD of Grace and LOVE and MERCY, or does it face one that condemns and beats us with a whip? As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD. The only one true God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The Father who gave us JESUS, and the Holy Spirit who nurtures us.

GLORY to GOD! Thrilled to be a part of HIS HOLY ARMY!!!!! VICTORY IS WON! IT IS FINISHED!


In His Grace,


27 May 2013

An EPIC Adventure!!!

Today, is the 26th, which biblically represents the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It seems appropriate to talk about this topic of an Epic Adventure. Because, being used by God to preach HIS LOVE and word, is a HUGE adventure indeed! Yesterday on the day of Blessing, we went to see a movie called “Epic.” This movie has so many layers. What really hit me is the EPIC adventure we get to be on with God. So many people say that we never know when a day will be our last. So, we must enjoy every single one of them, and make every moment count.

The fact is we don’t usually know the exact day when we take our final breath. But, what we do know is this, we have a God who guides us. So, this is the question. “Is God guiding your Epic adventure?” Because in the film it was essentially good verses evil. It represented an environment that brings life instead of death, even though outnumbered, going against all ODDS.


When it is ODD it is usually GOD. we watched the film, and as we did, it showed a human coming into another world, getting a glimpse. This is what happens when we take an adventure into God’s world. God gives us a glimpse of what we need to know, a clue if you will.

Everything that is GOOD in our world came from God’s world. It was created by HIS hands. This is why we have to keep up HIS world. This can happen in so many ways. Simple things, like seeing garbage and picking it up and throwing it away. This needs to happen in prayer too.

God shows us how to pray and what to pray for. It is part of dealing with the nastiness that is in this world. What if when we physically take out the garbage, we praise God for ridding us from the garbage of this world, protecting us and what he has given us, children, animals, whatever has been given. It sounds strange, and at first it is. But, God has shown us praising HIM will undo the plans of the enemy.

It works! You want an Epic adventure, well you are ON one! IT is a wild ride for sure. IT has twists and turns and ups and downs. God is the one running the show, for our adventure. If the enemy runs the show, only death comes. God alone brings NEW LIFE.


There was a time in our life where it seemed everything was dying, or being threatened. It was a VERY tough time, we rarely saw sunshine, and when we did, we did not experience it. God would give us blessings, and we would enjoy them, but we did not let HIM use them to heal us. We essentially fought HIM tooth and nail. Because there was no one that was showing us how to receive.

We began to seek God’s word, and that He lead us to whom He desired for us to connect. We are thankful He showed us that we had PAIN deep wounds that needed major repair. God basically did Roto Rooter on our souls. Even now daily, we must choose HIM, and surrender to HIS ways. It is how the adventure continues. Because what we are on is a JOURNEY of FAITH. There is no more Epic ride than this!!!



We have faced a lot of evil, and God promises we will face more. But we must remember that no weapon formed against us will prosper. Sarah Elizabeth had a dream about death. She said mom, I died in the dream. I said, “Well, even death cannot stop what God has planned! God is a resurrection GOD!!!” She was like, “really?” Children must learn that GOD alone protects us. We can use weapons of this world, but it is best to use weapons of HIS world.

While watching “We Bought a Zoo,” we began praying about animals. See our daughter Sarah Elizabeth has a major call on her life pertaining to animals. I said, “Maybe someday we will buy a Zoo.” Because we have to put the dream out there. The word says to speak it as if it were. This is speaking FAITH! It means, no matter who tries to talk you out of it, or discourage you, basically who the enemy uses, you CHOOSE God, and HIS LIFE for you, and HIS dreams and desires.

What has to be shared here is, the more we FOUGHT God, the more exhausted we were. Every thing was exhausting. Now, we are learning that Life is meant to be exciting, NOT draining. God wants us to have fun for sure, but we have to be careful and VERY aware. The enemy roams around like a lion seeking whom to devour. He is NOT a lion he is LIKE one. Only GOD is the LION, The LORD our GOD is the LION of JUDAH!

There is a spirit of amusement, and it causes us to only want FUN. There is a time and place for it for sure. WE have fun daily, but because GOD is at the core of who we are. The circumstance does not kill the JOY. The laughter does not disappear if there is crying. God is a God of hidden treasures. To be a part of HIS adventure we must learn to grow in HIM and receive HIS treasures.

He sent HIS son for our NEW LIFE ADVENTURE to BEGIN!



THE LION OF JUDAH orders our steps. Choose this day to let HIM order yours!

Every single day we live and breathe is a gift! The house where we live is a gift, the food, the children in our lives, the friends, the animals, everything. Yet, how many people wake up and receive the GIFT of LIFE? Are you on an Epic Adventure of LIFE in HIM? Or are you on a dreaded ride of DEATH indirectly serving the enemy. The Lord says He will say to some who cast out demons, and healed in His name, “I never knew you.”

This is because those people were used to heal others, but never came to know the LOVE and intimacy of God personally. God can USE anything but He excuses NOTHING! Each day as Children of God, we turn our back on anything evil, and seek God’s Face, because He made us in HIS image. So, if we don’t interact with HIM, how can we help others, or experience healing?

When a child acts out it is because there are things influencing the behavior. It could be because there are evil spirits around, and it could be because there are soul wounds involved. It is usually both. We cannot fix behavior with just psychology. Because that does not bring permanent long term healing. We cannot fix it with just medication because that does not bring it either. It can only be fixed by the power of GOD. He is our healer, and no one else can do what they do without HIS guidance and expect it to last. Jesus heals forever. His healing is truly EPIC!

God does not require us in church every Sunday. He does require us to fellowship with other believers, and to spend time with HIM. Jesus came to fulfill the law, which means that we can now receive HIS Grace on a new level. So many are stuck there, in that place where they know NOT how to receive God’s LOVE.

He came to SET the captives FREE so why are so many who claim to TRUST God CAGED and IMPRISONED?

Today, choose to repent for choosing the enemy’s adventure. The only one who has not at one time, is JESUS. He is without sin and blemish, and the more we commune with HIM, the more perfected we will be. Cleaned, Purified and Sanctified for the GLORY of GOD!4

In His Grace,


26 May 2013

I AM not defeated…for I AM is within ME!

Today is the 24th, the Biblical number of Royal Priesthood. We must remember something very important. WE are a part of the greatest ROYAL family ever!!! We are ONE with Christ. Why are people drawn to the Royal Family in England? It is because we are ROYAL!

Today, we must speak that I am NOT defeated, for the GREAT I AM is with me! But the enemy is a defeated foe. This means that he cannot do anything to God’s people without permission. Awful things happen, but they happen in part because we don’t have tools and weapons that are spiritual actively in use. 

When the LORD says wait, it has so many meanings. It means we stand in FAITH expectantly, and trusting HIM. It also means we serve HIM with gladness. 🙂 When He does it through us, it is successful!!!! He never FAILS!


We have accountability. We are responsible for our choices, and in some cases lack of choices. Because God created us, in His image. This means we represent HIM. Today our daily prayer is that God will have HIS Glory shine on this earth. But, the thing about God’s Glory is this, when we are in SIN, and serving something other than God, it does not feel good. Glory rain can at first feel like acid rain. For example, many studies have been done about fibromyalgia. What has been found consistently is forgiveness therapy, teaching people to forgive themselves and others has been most effective of all treatments. God knows what we need for healing to be completed and sustained. We need HIM to be sovereign in ALL ways, and to live UNDEFEATED through HIM!

Daily we must come to the LORD, with a repentant heart, seeking HIS healing. Because when Christ was crucified, He took our sin. It was a clean slate, it was to be an example of death to self daily, it was to show us what must happen to be in union with God. There is always more FREEDOM that can come, because we were promised challenges here in this world. 


God is NOT a God of condemnation. That is the enemies job. God is a God of correction. Looking around at the world right now, it seems so many are not open for correction from God. But, it is just how it seems, we must know that we know that we know, that God is working behind the scenes to undo the plans of the enemy. 

Why did Moses not get to see the promised land? His PRIDE kept him out. Why do we let ourselves stay defeated, our PRIDE. Why do we push ourselves beyond our limits? Because of our PRIDE. Look back at the garden of the Eden. It became the garden of the enemy, it is why Adam and Eve got kicked out. God would not let anything that had been infected by the devil to stay. 

How could He? In a world that was full of purity, goodness, and LOVE the SIN and darkness cannot exist. It was out of love that God made this decision. Because God loves humans so much! Any great parent has to discipline!!! This can be with a child, a pet, or even self. 


This world says don’t spank, yet God says spare not the rod. When we spank it is not to hurt, it is to correct. God is clear on instruction, but this world has given so many bad choices that it is often tough to see the good. But, it is NOT impossible. 

When sickness comes, start speaking the word of God. When you see your children you have been given act out, speak the word of God. Get into GOD habits! Choose not to be defeated, because if you don’t you will be. His word says His people perish for lack of knowledge and vision. 

I have known amazing men and women of God who are so deeply wounded. I have been deeply wounded myself as well. But, GOD is a God of restoration, A God of success, A God of Healing. I am thankful that on the most challenging day, He is with me, with us. 

We are NOT defeated. We are NOT alone. WE do not need to stay silent about the LOVE of God. We must share because it is our destiny. We will not get it perfect, and God has grace for that. But, as we obey HIM the LORD will perfect our ways and refine us. He will take the sharp edges and smooth them out. 


I was watching “Thirteen Going on 30″ recently and it was close to the end where the main character says, ‘Let’s put LIFE back in the magazine!” It is my favorite part, because even though it looks like they lose, they actually win. This is so true with GOD, sometimes it looks like we have lost, but the word says our loss is HIS gain. His Glory is never wasted. 

The one thing that we cannot choose to stay is defeated. Because if we do, then what God desires for us will NOT come to pass. Because He says, “Obedience is better than sacrifice.” At first when we begin being obedient in a consistent manner, it feels like a sacrifice. 

Many of us have been brought up to lay down the law. God gave us law to help us be contained. But, when Christ came and died for us, there was given the gift of grace. This is the place where we grow, and learn, and experience God’s Glory. 


His Grace is sufficient, and we will NOT be defeated!

The GREAT I AM is and always will BE the ONLY one whose plans always succeed!!!

Father God, we ask today that you pour out more. You meet the needs of many, yet you desire to do so much more. Even though we live in a world scared of lack, we thank you for being a God who is UNDEFEATED. We praise you for bringing us VICTORY just because you LOVE us and we RECEIVE that LOVE! Thank you for turning it around and undoing the enemy’s plans. 

In Jesus name and BLOOD ~



In His Grace,


24 May 2013

The Greatest Name

The Greatest Name

23 May 2013

Building Blocks

Building Blocks

His name is our Foundation. It is the place where He builds us up.

23 May 2013



What name have we taken on?

23 May 2013

What is in a Name???

This morning when I woke up, I began thinking about and praying about what God wanted me to write about today. It was so important, that I saved this draft, and continued praying over it, and now, the next day, am finally completing the entry. There were so many things that came to my mind, heart and spirit. The one thing that stood out was the word NAME. What is in our name?

When we are named, it means something. Last night I was watching a movie with David, and the person had no name. The other day we saw another movie, and a person had no name. I began to wonder what God is trying to teach us through this. I do not believe in coincidence.


I have called you by my NAME and you are MINE says the Lord. 

As I began to seek Him more on this, what I received was simple. Our name that we are given is important. We must understand our identity. But, the name in us is even more important. The name within us, JESUS, is the most powerful NAME that has ever existed, and that will. As Christ is, so are WE in this world. 

This is a command from the LORD to be like He was when He walked the earth, by tapping into HIM, and learning His ways. The Lord says, He will keep those in perfect peace whose mind is fixed on HIM. Does that mean we will never ever have a negative thought? Not necessarily, because we know the enemy attacks the mind, trying to keep us in FEAR, or put us back there when we have chosen FAITH.  

When Christ died on the CROSS, the bad name that we HAD was resurrected to a GOOD name! Hallelujah!!!!! He took everything that could ever come against us and take us away from God onto HIM. All sin does is temporarily separate us from GOD. The sin itself is not where the destruction is, it is worshiping the sin, letting it continue to wound us, and damage our relationship with God. It is what comes with the sin, that is the biggest problem!

The LORD works in us and through us according to a measure of FAITH. People have said, “Oh I wish I had your faith.” My response is, “Ask God to do it through you.” Because when GOD does something, HE succeeds! The ONLY thing GOD cannot do is FAIL!

Even Jesus went through Heavy persecution. So why would we not go through it to? Yes, our logical mind can absolutely get in the way. This is something God is really working on us with. We now have a new view. We have HIS view. Does this mean we never get affected or wounded? Not necessarily, but when we do, we get convicted immediately and we repent of our involvement. 

How many of you LOVE people? I do, I absolutely LOVE people so much. I have a desire for ALL people to come and experience the LOVE and GLORY of GOD. It is something that GOD put there. It is not in any way a religious spirit, though I did have one before. I was all about people coming to know the religion, not the one at the core of it. Thank God for HIS amazing Grace to help me learn, and grow in Him. 

This is an excerpt from Romeo and Juliet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy;–
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What’s Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;

So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title:–Romeo, doff thy name;
And for that name, which is no part of thee,
Take all myself.

I take thee at thy word:
Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptiz’d;
Henceforth I never will be Romeo.


Note: She speaks of the NAME as her enemy, just as the name devil, or satan is ours. Though he cannot be reborn, those who are captive by him can. We must PRAY for them. We also must be loving when we encounter them, by God’s command. Love our enemies. I also think it is awesome that he speaks of baptism after a new name. 🙂


For years, I denied that God had plans for me, and I ran from Him. I ran to so many things. By the time I was done running to people, places, and things, of THIS world, GOD was still there, waiting. He was ready to show me HIS world, but I wasn’t as ready.  I was the prodigal daughter, and He blessed me with so much. Guess what I did? I squandered it. Because I had so much in me that was broken and wounded. Thank God He forgives when we say I am sorry and mean it. 

My NAME was damaged to me, it was awful. In fact, the name I went by as a kid, I changed it because I was tired of being a kid. Also because I hated my name and ultimately myself. I did not understand how disrespectful that was to God. I made that choice, not consulting God. In fact, I was rebelling against HIM at the time. I went by that name from age 18 to 34. Then, God was dealing with me one day on names. In fact, He was dealing with all of us.

He showed me that He named me, and that I must know who I am in HIM. I am Eleanor, which means “Fire of God.” See, I always thought it was just an old lady name, But God. He showed my husband that He is DAVID which we know in scripture is a mighty KING who conquered Goliath. As he begins to see himself this way, GOD is moving greatly. Sarah Elizabeth’s first name means Princess. She is a princess of God.  All GLORY and honor to the LORD. We are grateful for HIS redemption. 

I was watching the movie “Titanic.” It has always been a favorite of mine. The scene that was on was where the mother is speaking to Rose about their name. Specifically abt the fact that the debts that they have are hidden by a Good name, and that name is the only card they have to play. I thought wow, if Jesus had not died for us, we would never have a good name. It was very humbling indeed. 

This morning, while going through the “routine” God reminded me to choose God habits. Meaning, when we do the day to day things, like brush teeth, go to bathroom, eat meals, wash hands, clean house, work, etc….remember to rejoice in ALL things. No matter how it seems, God has an amazing plan in store. 

Marriages may have been started in lust, but GOD can bring HIS LOVE in. He is a resurrection GOD!!!!!!! Believe it or not, many don’t understand the danger that comes from choosing the enemy’s name. It is talked up in this world, because he is the god of this world, according to the word of God. Many go to church weekly, pray sometimes, and do the best they can to just survive. God sees you, believe me, He does. I know, I used to do this too. Just survive, get through the day, our family lived this way, while still trying hard to be transparent. 

I really believe GOD is tired of His kids just surviving. He has a strong desire for us to THRIVE in HIM! He does not want us to strive for anything, because HIS name proves us. His name alone. Even if our name gets damaged, or even what looks like killed, as it is dragged through the mud, and slandered, GOD will resurrect it, because He LOVES us. 

We have authority in Christ to speak to our lives and see change. His word says we have authority to trample on snakes and scorpions!!!! For greater is HE in US than He that is in the world!!!

One last thing, a few weeks ago, Sarah Elizabeth was acting out. God has us in a place of transformation, and change is weird at first. We are earning to embrace it and TRUST God that HIS changes are best. Anyway, it was a Friday evening and she was misbehaving. She was pouting and acting like she was 2 years old. She was whining and then she jumped on the chair, fell off and slammed her ankle on the table. 

Her ankle was swollen, and as big as a softball. My husband screamed, “Are you okay?” Then, because he was scared, she began to be. So she began to wail and scream, and I said, “Do you want to go to the doctor?” Because see this is how I was trained doctors fix us. But, then, after I got over myself and what was going on, I felt a nudge from God. I was led to ask Sarah E to crawl to her room. It was only a few steps from where she was. She looked at me funny, but complied. When she got there, she began calming down. 

The words from scripture that came to me were this, we must first learn to crawl, to walk and then to run. When she crawled, even a little bit, she humbled herself before God. My husband came in, prayed over her, anointed her foot with oil, and we watched a foot that was incredibly swollen, return to normal. Within minutes she could walk and run. The word of GOD is a powerful tool. We can never underestimate our Master Physician. His LOVE heals us. 

Remember who gave you your name today. Think about when the children God gave you were named. Seek God for what the names mean. There is A LOT in a NAME, especially the name of JESUS!!!

Love to you ALL, praying for you, that God’s GLORY multiplies in your lives. ~

Note: The pictures that go with this blog post could not be uploaded here, so we uploaded them separately.  Please check them out as you are led. 🙂

In His Grace,


23 May 2013

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